Fukushima, the nuclear refugees
Koriyama, April 25 2011 - .(eng) Muramabu Keiji, 59, come to have his radioactivity level checked in a center available 24 hours a day for residents. His compagny asked him to be checked after a day spent in Minami-Soma, 25km from the plant. Refugees can prove with the certificate emitted by the officials that they were not overexposed to radations. The fear of the "hibakusha", Hiroshima's surviving victims, reappears after Fukushima's nuclear accident...(fr) Muramabu Keiji, 59 ans viennent faire controller son niveau de radioactivite dans un centre mis a disposition des habitants 24h/24. Son entreprise lui a demande ce controle apres une journee passe a MinamiSoma, a 25km de la centrale. Les certificats emis par le centre permettent a certains refugies de Fukushima de prouver qu'ils ne sont pas irradies. La peur des "hibakusha", les irradies d'Hiroshima rejetes par la societe, est reapparue.
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- Editorial: Fukushima (2011-2017)